Hi! I recently came across a new technology for online shopping called FitRoom, which uses artificial intelligence to replace clothes in photos. It seems like a cool idea, because often when buying clothes online I face the problem of not being able to understand how the item will fit, especially when it comes to things like jeans or jackets. But how does this technology work in reality? Does it actually choose the right size, and how does AI assess the fit on the figure? I am always curious to see how accurately such technologies can replace a real fitting.
thiefcrazy98 posted an update in the group
New technology for online shopping 2 days, 19 hours ago
Yes, I have heard about FitRoom too, and it really looks like the future of online shopping. It seems to me that such technologies solve several problems at once – for example, the difficulty of choosing clothes by size and the lack of opportunity to try things on. Of course, the system is not perfect yet, but it becomes more accurate every year.…[Read more]
evanduke324 posted an update in the group
New technology for online shopping 3 days, 11 hours ago
I have also recently been studying FitRoom, and I can say that the system is really impressive, especially considering how quickly it is developing. The technology is based on artificial intelligence and computer vision, which allow it to analyze the user’s figure with high accuracy and select clothes based on individual parameters. AI analyzes…[Read more]